Ipswich Planning Scheme

Under Queensland planning legislation, each local government prepares and maintains its own planning scheme as the main ‘rule-book’ for determining what new developments should occur in their local government area and how.

The planning scheme achieves this by planning for and regulating what development should occur where and when, how development should occur and what assessment process is required – including if an assessment process is required at all.

If you would like to know more about land use planning and how it affects you, follow the link to Council’s Planning in Ipswich webpage.

New Planning Scheme

Council is currently in the process of preparing a new planning scheme for Ipswich. Our planning scheme, like others across Queensland, is an evolving document that requires review to ensure it responds to changes in the community and planning circumstances and meets the challenges for the future while protecting and maintaining the things our community values about Ipswich.

Once this new planning scheme is adopted by Council it will replace the current planning scheme to help us plan and deliver for our growing city.

Public consultation on the draft new planning scheme concluded on Sunday, 16 July 2023.  You can find out more about the progress of the new planning scheme project and register for project updates on Council’s Shape Your Ipswich webpage.

Ipswich Planning Scheme

Go to: Planning Scheme Documents, Local Government Infrastructure Plan, Planning Scheme Attachments

The 2006 Consolidated Ipswich Planning Scheme covers the entire local government area. In most instances it includes roads and watercourses. The Planning Scheme was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the repealed Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA) and the Department of Local Government and Planning guidelines and scheme template.

Council adopted the Consolidated Planning Scheme (including all amendments to the 2004 Ipswich Planning Scheme) on 14 December 2005, and took effect (ie commencement date) on 23 January 2006.

The Planning Scheme divides the Ipswich Local Government Area into 8 localities-

  • Urban Areas

  • City Centre

  • Regionally Significant Business Enterprise and Industry Areas

  • Amberley

  • Rosewood

  • Township Areas

  • Rural Areas, and

  • Springfield.

Each locality is further divided into Zones and in some cases, Sub Areas and Precincts. The planning scheme also provides a secondary organisational layer called Overlays, which are based on special attributes of land that need to be protected, or that may constrain development. There are two types of overlays - character places overlays and development constraints overlays.

The Planning Scheme uses the concepts of Overall Outcomes, Specific Outcomes, Probable Solutions and Acceptable Solutions for a zone, overlay or code.

Overall Outcomes are essentially the overall purpose or intent statements. Specific Outcomes are the more detailed performance objectives.

Probable Solutions represent one way of achieving a specific outcome and may be either increased or decreased by the Local Government depending on the individual circumstances of the proposal.

Acceptable Solutions apply only to self-assessable development and represent a precise measure for compliance.

In addition to the zoning of a property, it is also imperative to refer to the overlay maps and associated overlay codes (see Part 11) in the planning scheme as these may change the relevant assessment category of development compared to the underlying zone, or provide additional information.

Also, in addition to the overlays affecting a property, it is also imperative to refer to the zoning maps and associated zone codes in the planning scheme as these may change the relevant assessment category of development, or provide additional information.

In addition to the above, the following supporting information is also provided:

  • Implementation Guidelines

  • User Guides and Assessment Checklist

  • Fact Sheets

Purchase or View the Planning Scheme

The Ipswich Planning Scheme is available to view on the Ground Floor, 1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich as well as at all Council libraries and the mobile library service.

The Ipswich Planning Scheme is also available for purchase. The fees payable with respect to Ipswich Planning Scheme are detailed in Council's schedule of Fees and Charges.

The Ipswich Planning Scheme mapping is available to be viewed in electronic format from Development.i and Ipswich City Planning Scheme.

Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)

On 27 March 2018, Ipswich City Council resolved to adopt the Local Government Infrastructure Plan Amendment replacing the Priority Infrastructure Plan with a Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) Part 13 of the Ipswich Planning Scheme.  The LGIP commenced on and from 23 April 2018 and:

  • integrates infrastructure planning with land use planning as identified in the Ipswich Planning Scheme 2006;
  • provides transparency regarding Council’s intentions for the provision of trunk infrastructure;
  • enables Council to estimate the cost of infrastructure provision to assist its long term financial planning;
  • ensures trunk infrastructure is planned and provided in an efficient and orderly manner; and
  • provides a basis for the imposition of conditions about infrastructure on development approvals.

LGIP Supporting Information

For more information, refer to Part 13 of the Ipswich Planning Scheme.


Council has endorsed a new Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP 2024) for final State review.  The LGIP 2024 was prepared in parallel with the new Ipswich Planning Scheme (Ipswich Plan 2024) to align infrastructure planning with land use planning.

Once adopted, the LGIP 2024 will form part of the Ipswich Plan 2024.

Public consultation on the new LGIP concluded on Tuesday, 25 July 2023 with all submissions reviewed in detail.

Council endorsed the LGIP 2024 for Minister’s review on 7 December 2023, and the LGIP 2024 was referred to the State for Minister’s consideration on 11 December 2023.

Post public consultation documents:

You can find out more about the progress of the new LGIP project and register for project updates on Council’s Shape Your Ipswich webpage.

* The LGIP 2024 and final SOW have been endorsed and adopted for Minister’s consideration and remain draft pending ministerial approval and subsequent formal adoption by Council.

Planning Scheme Attachments

Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024

On 20 June 2024, Ipswich City Council resolved to adopt the Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024, which comes into force and effect on and from 1 July 2024.

The purpose of the Ipswich Adopted Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 is to state:

  • the adopted charges for providing the local government trunk infrastructure networks;
  • the levied charges to be levied by the local government for development for the demand placed on the local government trunk infrastructure networks; and
  • matters relevant to the working out of an offset and refund for a trunk infrastructure contribution for the local government trunk infrastructure networks for development.

View Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 document (PDF, 2.3 MB)

The Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2024 replaced the Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No.1) 2023. The previous versions of the Resolution are available below.

Further Information

To obtain further information in relation to the Ipswich Planning Scheme please contact the Planning and Regulatory Services Department on telephone (07) 3810 6888.